четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

VIC: Main Stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

VIC: Main Stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

MELBOURNE, April 12 AAP - The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers:


Page 1 - Lost Melbourne couple seen in supermarket three days ago; Tobacco giant mustpay dying woman $700,000.

Page 2 - Patients infected by fungus at a second Melbourne hospital; Judge slams legaltactics used by tobacco company; Guidelines on the prescription of heart drugs to be dramaticallytightened.

Page 3 - Toyota to spend $50 million on new Melbourne corporate headquarters; WA parliamenttold Rose Porteous used charity funds to clean her chandelier; Victorian DPP to recommendlandmark criminal charge in dog case.

World - George W Bush calls for a ban on all types of human cloning; Afghan interimauthorities begin destroying Opium poppy fields.

Finance - Former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett has stood down as director of Dataand Commerce while it tries to acquire Software Communications due to a conflict of interest;Air New Zealand misled the Australian government on August 14 last year by saying it couldnot separate from Ansett.

Sport - Collingwood President Eddie McGuire slams AFL Players Association over commentson viability of 10 Melbourne-based teams; Bulldogs coach Terry Wallace warns their seasonis on the line.



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